Press Statements

5 Feb 2019

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) would like to assure workers and citizens that it will continue to carry out its representative mandate without fear despite the heavy military clampdown on its 14-16 January stay away.

23 Jan 2019

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) calls on the government to unconditionally release its Secretary General, Japhet Moyo who was arrested upon his return from China where he had travelled on union business over last week’s stay away.
The arrest is an act of repression on the trade union and the ZCTU strongly condemns the act of the police as it is contrary to the Constitution of Zimbabwe that gives workers the right to demonstrate peacefully. Section 59 of the Constitution guarantees the right to demonstrate and petition.

11 Jan 2019

Today the Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Union (ZCTU) wrote to the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, Dr Sekai Nzenza, on the need to address the current hardships facing workers and Zimbabweans in general due to escalating prices of goods and services or face a crippling national strike.

The Minister was given seven days to intervene, failure of which the labour body would mobilise Zimbabweans into national strike.

21 Dec 2018

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) is deeply concerned with deteriorating state of the country’s economy that has seen inflation galloping to over 30 percent causing serious suffering among Zimbabweans.

Since the announcement of both fiscal and monetary policies by authorities in October and November 2018, the plight of Zimbabweans continues to worsen. The new measures, instead of solving the economic crisis that the country faces, increased taxation and failed to end crisis like the shortage of cash.

3 Sep 2018

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) has noted with great concern the shocking massive price hikes that have affected almost every basic commodity, worsening the plight of the already struggling masses of Zimbabwe.

Prices of most products have gone up by over 50 percent and the prices continue to rise at break-neck speed and this has seriously eroded the incomes of ordinary workers who are finding it hard to survive on their meager wages. Labour notes that most workers earn an average of $300 a month and therefore cannot afford to buy the goods in most shops.

24 May 2018

Finance and Economic Development Deputy Minister Terrence Mukupe’s must be removed from government as he has shown to be unfit for government, reckless, a loose cannon and a danger to Zimbabwe.

4 Apr 2018

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) is disgusted by the reports that the Zimbabwe Republic Police today beat-up suspended trade union leaders from the energy sector who were attending a hearing at the company premises.

15 Mar 2018

THE Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) is greatly disturbed by the government’s lack of seriousness in resolving its dispute with the striking doctors. The continued strike by the doctors is causing untold suffering of ordinary Zimbabweans as it has paralyzed operations at state-run hospitals.

15 Mar 2018

THE Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) is greatly disturbed by the government’s lack of seriousness in resolving its dispute with the striking doctors. The continued strike by the doctors is causing untold suffering of ordinary Zimbabweans as it has paralyzed operations at state-run hospitals.

13 Mar 2018

I would want to welcome you members of the Press to this Press Conference. As you have been informed, we are here to brief you on the anti-union activities that are taking place at ZESA.

The ZCTU has received with disgust the purported suspension of eight union officials, without salaries and benefits, by the Zimbabwe Electricity Distribution Company (ZETDC), a subsidiary of the Zimbabwe Electricity Supply Authority (ZESA), on 6 March 2018 for allegedly being involved in a demonstration.

28 Feb 2018

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) is shocked by reports that several National University of Science and Technology (NUST) students sustained some injuries after Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) officers set dogs upon them on Monday 26 February 2018 as the law enforcement agents suppressed an anti-government protest staged by the university students.

28 Feb 2018

The Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) is shocked by reports that several National University of Science and Technology (NUST) students sustained some injuries after Zimbabwe Republic Police (ZRP) officers set dogs upon them on Monday 26 February 2018 as the law enforcement agents suppressed an anti-government protest staged by the university students.



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